Friday, 20 July 2012

On Vampires

When it comes to Vampires, I belong to the old school. Christopher Lee as Dracula. Designed to scare the crap out of us teens. Them vampires not being able to handle sunlight was a masterstroke cause it meant all the action occurred at night, the realm of the creepy crawlies. Though it always puzzled me how these guys managed to shave, given that they left no reflections in mirrors!.

Now as I watch Edward and Bella of Twilight lore making out in a sun splashed vale, I cant help wondering how far vampires have evolved. I mean guys like me wonder wouldn't Edward the Vampire's overwhelming passion literally "Ignite" in the Sun's all pervasive rays?  Isn't that why Shree C.Lee lived the nocturnal life, rather unwillingly I must say and took his revenge by biting all those around him?

How times have changed. Take the protagonists of "The Vampire Diaries". Its all about hot and happening girls with their Super Stud Vampire Boyfriends. Virility at age 834? And here our Indians are bemoaning impotence at the age of 22! These are the Gen.X vampires, know everything about School Exams considering they would probably be taking it the 101's time. Are upper class snobs(after all who would be interested in the travails of a Short order cook, fanged or otherwise) and of course partake of non human edibles. Which probably explains the evolutionary absense of Fangs. At least that is what I noticed, every time Edward smiled. On rare occasions. Cause he is the "Broody" type of Vampire. Still, a vampire with retracting or No fangs! Sacrilege! I mean what use a Vampire who drinks out of a straw! Jesus, what is the world coming to. The next thing you know, they would be running for president! After all, according to law, Anyone could run for President. Even if their birth certificate reads AD1493.

I guess what upsets me is the implied racism. After all, if Vampires could evolve, why couldn't Werewolf's?  Did we not domesticate them? The wolves I mean. So how come we don't have Were Labs? Who of course would yowl at the full moon in hunger for food, of course anything that is non human. But then I guess they have limited appeal for Hollywood. Imagine Bella getting Slobbered and then having to clean up the poop. No. Definitely not romantic. Pity.

I don't know where all this is going. But I feel betrayed. Cause if I ever mentioned Vampires were pretty scary, I'd probably get laughed out of town. I mean, come on Edward and his Doctor father? There definitely exists a generational gap.

1 comment:

  1. Mohan, I find this obsession with Vampires terribly tiresome...!! Never understood this Twilight series thing. I wrote about this in one of my posts in 2010. I am pasting the link
    Now I find that the American movie industry has linked Abraham Lincoln a great man to Vampires and turned him into a vampire slayer!! Really!
